Superhero Movie a bane of a parody
I'm sure a lot of people would agree with me when I say that the movie spoof genre has become tasteless with movies like Epic Movie and Meet the Spartans. I was pretty excited when I first saw the trailer of Meet the Spartans on YouTube. I thought it was funny as hell. But when I got to watch the whole movie, I almost slept through it. It was worse than watching Goin' Bulilit.
When I saw the movie trailer of Superhero Movie, I had very high hopes for it because Drake Bell is in the lead role, I've been watching him on Nickelodeon for years and I lurve Drake Bell. Yeah I get it, he's cute. But he's also a very talented artist and comedian. I always look forward to seeing him as Kyle in Totally Kyle on the Amanda Show because his guitar riffs are really good.
Anyway, going back to the movie. So I was finally able to see Superhero Movie a couple of days ago and although there were a couple of misses, the movie was great all in all. I think it shouldn't be rated PG 13 though because of the number of sex jokes that fly here and there throughout the movie.
I was never a fan of the Naked Gun series, being too young then to appreciate all that slapstick, so I have nothing to say for Leslie Nielsen who plays Drake Bell's grandfather.
I liked that the movie itself has a story unlike the recent Scary Movies that felt like it's all been stitched together without even a pattern of thought. It didn't squeeze in too much spoofs to make it too chopsuey.
Would I recommend it? Yes, especially if you're a big Drake Bell fan like me. But if you're not, go for the rental instead, or this streaming ones.
I don't watch that kind of movies much and rather not expect anything good from it...
Knowing that it's suppose to be funny or a comedy, I have my expectations... and I usually get disappointed after watching it.
there are times when it's fun to be stupid and silly :)